


来源:未知 时间:2018-08-15 20:07 阅读次数:


目  录
    第一章 总  则
    第二章 规  划
    第三章 预  防
    第四章 治  理
    第五章 监测和监督
    第六章 法律责任
    第七章  附    则
第一章 总  则
    第一条  为了预防和治理水土流失,保护和合理利用水土资源,减轻水、旱、风沙灾害,改善生态环境,促进生态文明建设,保障经济社会可持续发展,根据《十大正规网堵平台》及有关法律、行政法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
    Article 2 Units and individuals engaged in soil and water conservation activities or in the exploitation and utilization of natural resources, production and construction activities that may cause soil erosion within the administrative areas of this province shall abide by these Regulations。
    Article 3 In the work of soil and water conservation, the principles of prevention first, protection first, comprehensive planning, comprehensive treatment, local conditions, highlighting key points, scientific management and paying attention to efficiency shall be followed, and the principles of whoever develops and utilizes resources shall be responsible for protection, and whoever causes soil and water loss shall be responsible for treatment and compensation shall be adhered to。
    Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve the coordination mechanism for water and soil conservation work, study and solve major problems in water and soil conservation work, incorporate water and soil conservation work into the national economic and social development plans at the same level, ensure special funds and working funds for water and soil conservation, and organize the implementation of the tasks set out in the plans for water and soil conservation。
People's governments at or above the county level have established and improved the target responsibility system for soil erosion prevention and control, incorporated soil and water conservation work into the target responsibility assessment system, and assessed, rewarded and punished the implementation of the responsibility system for soil and water conservation by their subordinate departments and people's governments at the next level。
    第五条  县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门主管本行政区域的水土保持工作。
The departments of development and reform, land and resources, environmental protection, housing, urban and rural construction, transportation, agriculture, forestry and poverty alleviation of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with their respective functions and responsibilities, do a good job in the prevention and control of soil erosion。
    Article 6 The people's governments at or above the county level shall encourage and support soil and water conservation institutions, institutions of higher learning, scientific research units and mass scientific and technological organizations to carry out scientific research, experiments and demonstrations, technical popularization, training, guidance and services for soil and water conservation。
    Article 7 People's governments at or above the county level shall encourage and support social forces and private capital to participate in the prevention and control of soil erosion, provide support in terms of capital, technology, tax revenue, etc., and protect the legitimate rights and interests of participants in the prevention and control of soil erosion。
    Article 8 The people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall strengthen the publicity and education of water and soil conservation, popularize the scientific knowledge of water and soil conservation, and enhance the public's awareness of water and soil conservation。
    Article 9 Units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect water and soil resources and maintain water and soil conservation facilities, and shall have the right to report acts of damaging water and soil resources and water and soil conservation facilities。
    第十条  县级以上人民政府对水土保持工作中成绩显著的单位和个人,给予表彰和奖励。
第二章  规  划
    第十一条  省水行政主管部门负责组织本省水土流失调查。The investigation of soil and water loss shall include the distribution, type, area, cause, harm, change trend, prevention and control and benefits of soil and water loss, and the results of the investigation shall be reported to the water administration department under The State Council for the record and then announced to the public。
    Article 12 People's governments at or above the county level shall, on the basis of the results of soil erosion investigations, designate and announce the key areas for soil erosion prevention and control in their respective administrative areas。
Areas with a high potential risk of soil erosion, such as forest and grass coverage of more than 40 percent, soil erosion of less than a slight degree, river headwaters, water conservation areas, drinking water sources, and basic farmland protection areas, shall be designated as key prevention areas for soil erosion。
Areas with a forest and grass coverage rate of less than 40 percent, moderate soil erosion or above, large population density, poor natural conditions, fragile ecological environment, severe floods, droughts, wind and sand disasters, and areas prone to landslides, landslides and debris flows, and other areas with serious soil erosion, shall be designated as key areas for soil erosion control。
    第十三条  县级以上水行政主管部门会同有关部门编制水土保持规划,跨区域或者流域的水土保持规划由其共同的上一级水行政主管部门会同有关部门、流域管理机构编制,报本级人民政府或者其授权的部门批准后,由水行政主管部门组织实施。
Special plans for soil and water conservation shall be prepared for comprehensive treatment of small river basins, construction of silting DAMS and land creation of gully channels, which shall be prepared by water administrative departments at or above the county level in conjunction with relevant departments and shall be implemented after being submitted for approval in accordance with the limits of authority for examination and approval。水土保持专项规划应当符合水土保持规划。
    Article 14 Planning for infrastructure construction, mineral resources development, urban construction, public service facilities construction, land development and consolidation, industrial parks, hydropower cascade development, tourist attractions, etc,在实施过程中可能造成水土流失的,编制单位应当提出水土流失预防和治理的对策和措施,并在规划报请审批前征得同级水行政主管部门的同意。
第三章  预  防
    Article 15 People's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with soil and water conservation plans and special plans, adopt such measures as sealing and protection, natural restoration and return of cultivated land to forests (grasses), strictly protect plants, sand hulks, crusts and lichens, strengthen supervision and administration of activities such as collecting soil, digging sand and quarries, and prevent and alleviate soil erosion。
    第十六条  禁止在二十五度以上的陡坡地开垦种植农作物。人均耕地五亩或者基本农田二亩以上的地区,禁止在二十度以上的陡坡地开垦种植农作物。
People's governments at or above the county level shall work out plans for returning farmland to forests (grass) and restoring vegetation year by year on steep slopes where reclamation is prohibited。
    Article 17 The people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of Shaanxi Province on the closure of mountains and the Prohibition of grazing, classify the areas that have been returned to forests (grass) into the scope of the closure of mountains and the prohibition of grazing, publicize them to the public, and take measures to strengthen management and protection。
    第十八条  在二十五度以上陡坡地种植经济林的,应当在县级以上农业、林业、水利等行政主管部门指导下,科学选择树种,配套布设生态林,合理确定规模,采取修建截水沟、蓄水池、排水沟、等高植物带、边坡种草、水平阶或者垄沟种植法等水土保持措施,防止造成水土流失。
    第十九条  在禁垦坡度以下、五度以上的荒坡地开垦种植农作物,Measures for soil and water conservation, such as building horizontal terraces, improving slope water system, water storage and soil conservation cultivation, should be taken.Planting trees, tending young forests and planting Chinese medicinal materials on the sloping land below the forbidden slope and above five degrees,应当采取修建水平梯田、水平阶、鱼鳞坑、竹节水平沟、营造等高植物带等水土保持措施。
    Article 20 The site selection and route selection of production and construction projects shall avoid the key prevention areas and key management areas of soil erosion;Where it is impossible to avoid it, the prevention and control standards shall be improved, the construction scheme and technology shall be optimized, the surface disturbance and vegetation damage scope shall be reduced, the construction period and the surface exposure time shall be shortened, and soil erosion shall be effectively controlled。
    Article 21 For production and construction projects that may cause soil erosion, such as excavation and filling, disturbance of the surface, etc., the production and construction unit shall be responsible for preparing or entrusting a unit with corresponding qualifications to prepare a water and soil conservation plan, which shall be examined and approved by the water administrative department at the same level of the construction project examination and approval authority。
For other large-scale production and construction activities such as soil extraction, sand digging and quarrying that disturb the surface and may cause soil and water loss, the operating units and individuals shall prepare soil and water conservation plans and submit them to the county-level water administrative department for examination and approval。其中煤炭、石油、天然气、有色金属等矿产资源勘探的水土保持方案,报省水行政主管部门审批。
Production and construction units or individuals shall, in accordance with the budgets determined in the water and soil conservation programs, allocate special funds for water and soil conservation from capital construction investment or production expenses for the prevention and control of water and soil erosion。
    Article 22 For production and construction activities covering an area of more than three hectares or for which the total amount of excavated and filled earth and rock is more than 30,000 cubic meters, reports on plans for water and soil conservation shall be prepared。
    第二十三条  依法应当编制水土保持方案实行审批制的生产建设项目,在可行性研究报告报批前完成水土保持方案报批手续;实行核准制的生产建设项目,在项目核准申请报告提交前完成水土保持方案报批手续;实行备案制的生产建设项目,在办理备案手续后、项目开工前完成水土保持方案报批手续。
    Article 24 Where a production and construction project shall, according to law, work out a water and soil conservation plan, and a production and construction unit fails to work out a water and soil conservation plan or is not approved by the water administrative department, the project examination and approval authority shall not approve the project, and the production and construction unit or individual may not start construction。
    Article 25 After the approval of the water and soil conservation plan, where the site, location, scale and measures for water and soil conservation of a production and construction project undergo major changes, the water and soil conservation plan shall be supplemented or modified, and a report on the change of the water and soil conservation plan shall be prepared and submitted to the original examination and approval department for approval。
    第二十六条  生产建设项目中的水土保持设施,应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用。
    Article 27 The surface soil of the land occupied by production and construction activities shall be stripped, preserved and utilized in layers, so as to achieve the balance of excavation and filling of earth and rock, and reduce the scope of surface disturbance。Sand, stone, soil, gangue, tailings, waste slag, etc. discarded in production and construction activities shall be first taken to block, slope protection, flood control and drainage measures, piled up in the special storage areas determined by the water and soil conservation plan, and shall not be discharged or piled up without authorization。After the completion of production and construction activities, trees and grasses shall be planted and vegetation restored on the bare land of the ground, excavation face and storage site in a timely manner, and the closed tailings ponds shall be reclaimed。
    Article 28 Within six months of trial operation after completion of a production and construction project, the construction unit shall apply to the department for examination and approval of water and soil conservation programs for acceptance inspection of water and soil conservation facilities。未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得投产使用。
The provincial administrative department of water resources is responsible for the acceptance of water and soil conservation facilities of large and medium-sized production and construction projects, and first carry out technical assessment, and then carry out the acceptance of water and soil conservation facilities。
    第二十九条  单位或者个人不得破坏和擅自占用、填堵、拆除水土保持设施。
    (1) Farmland soil and water conservation works and ancillary facilities such as terraced fields, embankments, DAMS, flood areas, river flats, gullies, flood diversion fields, side ridges, cut ditches, water storage ditches, side ridges, drainage channels (ditches), sand settling ponds, water cellars, and ditch head protection; 
    (2) Soil and water conservation works and safety protection scope of gully, such as silt dam, slag dam, sand dam, tailings dam, valley, sluice gully, pond, waterlogging pond, bank protection (slope), slag wall, etc.; 
    第三十条  水土保持设施所有权依其附着的土地权属确定。水土保持设施属于国家所有的,在单位、集体经济组织或者个人使用土地范围内,由使用权人承担管护责任;水土保持设施属于集体所有,在土地承包或者租赁范围内的,由土地承包人或者承租人承担管护责任,没有承包人或者承租人的,由集体经济组织与受益人签订管护协议,明确管护责任。
    第三十一条  城镇水土保持以生态措施为主,并采取必要的工程措施。城镇建设、改造项目,可能造成水土流失的,应当编制水土保持方案,采取措施,有效控制水土流失。
    Article 32 The department of water administration at or above the county level shall track and inspect the implementation of the water and soil conservation plan for production and construction projects, and promptly deal with any problems found。For the production and construction units and individuals who fail to implement the water and soil conservation plan, the water administration department at or above the county level may take such measures as interview and rectification within a time limit, and record them in the unit and individual credit information system。
第四章  治  理
    Article 33 The control of soil and water loss shall adhere to the principle of combining natural restoration with artificial control, combining plant and engineering measures with soil and water conservation tillage measures, combining control with increasing farmers' income and making them rich, and taking into account ecological, economic and social benefits。
    Article 34 People's governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of water and soil conservation planning, organize units and individuals to establish a comprehensive prevention and control system for water and soil erosion, taking small river basins as units, so as to effectively reduce water and soil erosion。
    In the area of hydraulic erosion, engineering measures, plant measures and conservation tillage are adopted to control soil and water loss in sloping land and gully by taking the small watershed formed by natural gullies and slopes on both sides as units。
    In the area of wind erosion, the protection system of wind and sand fixation should be established by combining the measures of preventing and controlling sand, sealing and banning grazing, planting trees and grass, setting up artificial sand barriers and grid forest belts。
In the area of gravity erosion, combined with the prevention and control of geological disasters, we should take measures such as runoff drainage, slope cutting and load reduction, retaining slope and building blocking works to strengthen the construction of monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems。
   Article 35 People's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the requirements of soil and water conservation planning, allocate supporting funds to ensure the investment in soil and water conservation, carry out the construction of key soil and water conservation projects such as terraced conversion of sloping farmland, silting DAMS and comprehensive treatment of small river basins, and intensify ecological restoration efforts。
    第三十六条  淤地坝工程项目、沟道造地工程项目建设应当符合水土保持专项规划。The construction unit shall prepare the project design document, which shall be reviewed by the water administrative department at or above the county level and submitted to the competent investment department for examination and approval according to the authority of examination and approval。
    The construction of siltation dam projects and gully land construction projects shall conform to the quality standards and technical specifications of the projects, and shall be delivered for use after passing the acceptance inspection organized by the water administrative departments at or above the county level。
    Article 37 For key water and soil conservation projects or for water and soil conservation facilities of production and construction projects for which reports on water and soil conservation plans should be compiled according to law, the construction unit shall entrust the corresponding qualified supervision unit to carry out construction supervision。
    If the supervision unit finds the project quality problem or the hidden danger of safety accident, it shall request the construction unit to make rectification within a time limit, and may request the construction unit to stop the construction if necessary。施工单位拒不整改或者不停止施工的,监理单位应当告知建设单位和所在地县级水行政主管部门。
    第三十八条  生产建设类项目或者其他生产建设活动,Pay water and soil conservation compensation fees according to the area occupied, disturbed or damaged by the original landform, vegetation or water and soil conservation facilities during the construction period;Coal, oil, natural gas (coal-bed methane), non-ferrous metals and other mineral resources mining projects,在生产期间按开采量或者销售价格的一定比例缴纳水土保持补偿费。
    第三十九条  本省实施水土保持生态效益补偿制度。The provincial people's government may collect a certain proportion of funds from the areas benefiting from water use as compensation for the ecological benefits of soil and water conservation for the prevention and control of soil and water loss in river headwaters, water source protection areas and water source conservation areas, and support the development of green agriculture and industry。对因退耕还林(草)、封山禁牧、减施或者不施化肥农药而减少收入的农户给予适当补偿。
第五章  监测和监督
    第四十条  水土保持生态环境监测工作实行统一管理、分级负责的原则。
    The provincial soil and water conservation monitoring institution is responsible for the management of the province's soil and water conservation ecological environment monitoring, compilation of soil and water conservation ecological environment monitoring plans, organization of soil and water loss dynamic monitoring, establishment of soil and water conservation ecological environment monitoring information system, summary and management of monitoring data, preparation of soil and water conservation ecological environment monitoring reports。
    第四十一条  省水行政主管部门应当定期发布全省水土保持生态环境监测公报,公报内容包括下列事项:
    Article 42 Key projects of water and soil conservation and large and medium-sized production and construction projects that may cause serious soil and water erosion, production and construction units shall, by themselves or entrust units with corresponding qualifications, carry out soil and water conservation monitoring work, and regularly report the monitoring situation to the department in charge of water administration。
    Article 43 Provincial soil and water conservation monitoring institutions shall establish a soil and water conservation monitoring and evaluation system, and organize the evaluation and identification of the quality of monitoring results within their respective administrative areas。
    Article 44 Technical service units engaged in the formulation of water and soil conservation plans, project supervision, monitoring and evaluation shall implement the relevant technical norms and requirements of the State, and shall not resort to fraud, falsification, false reporting or concealing of relevant data。  
    Article 45 The water and soil conservation supervision and administration bodies subordinate to the water and soil conservation administrative departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of water and soil conservation and the administrative law enforcement work within their respective administrative areas。
    第四十六条  水政监督检查人员履行监督检查职责时,不得少于两人,并应当出示执法证件。被检查单位或者个人对水土保持监督检查工作应当予以配合。
    第四十七条  水政监督检查人员履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:
  水政监督检查人员发现单位或者个人有违反水土保持法律法规行为的,应当责令立即停止违法行为。Those who refuse to stop illegal acts, causing serious soil erosion or other serious violations of the law, shall be reported to the department of water administration at or above the county level for approval, and the water administration supervision and inspection personnel may seal up or detain the tools, construction machinery and equipment that commit illegal acts。
    The period of sealing up or detention shall not exceed 30 days;If the circumstances are complicated and need to be extended, the extension may be approved by the principal person in charge of the water administrative department, but the extension period shall not exceed 30 days。
    Article 48 Disputes over soil erosion between units, between individuals or between units and individuals shall be settled through consultation;If the consultation fails, it may apply to the water administrative department at or above the county level for coordination or bring a lawsuit in a people's court。不同行政区域之间发生的水土流失纠纷协商不成的,由共同的上一级人民政府裁决。
第六章 法律责任
    第四十九条  水行政主管部门或者其他依照本条例规定行使监督管理权的部门,不依法作出行政许可决定或者办理批准文件及其不履行监督管理职责,发现违法行为或者接到对违法行为的举报不予查处的,或者有其他未依照本条例规定履行职责行为的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。
    Article 50 In violation of the provisions of Articles 26, 37 and 42 of these Regulations, any of the following acts shall be ordered by the department of water administration at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit, and if it fails to make corrections within the time limit, a fine of not less than 30,000 yuan but not more than 300,000 yuan shall be imposed:
    (1) failing to prepare and report preliminary designs for water and soil conservation, formulate flood plans or take temporary protective measures for water and soil conservation in the course of construction;
    第五十一条  违反本条例第二十七条规定,在专门存放地未采取防护措施倾倒砂、石、土、矸石、尾矿、废渣等的,由县级以上水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,造成水土流失的,按照倾倒数量处每立方米五元以上十元以下的罚款。
    Article 52 Those who, in violation of the provisions of Article 29 of these Regulations, destroy or occupy, fill or dismantle water and soil conservation facilities without authorization shall be ordered by the department of water administration at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit, and those who fail to make corrections within the time limit shall be imposed with a fine of one to two times the cost of the water and soil conservation facilities。
    Article 53 Where, in violation of the provisions of Article 44 of these Regulations, a technical service unit practices fraud, forges, falsifies or conceals relevant data, the water administration department at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections, and if the circumstances are serious, it shall be demoted or its qualification certificate shall be revoked。
    Article 54 Where a fine of more than 50,000 yuan is imposed on an individual and a fine of more than 200,000 yuan is imposed on a unit, the organ imposing the penalty shall inform the parties of their right to request a hearing。
    Article 55 Whoever violates the provisions of these Regulations and causes damage to soil erosion shall bear civil liability according to law;If the act constitutes a violation of the administration of public security, the public security organ shall impose a punishment for the administration of public security according to law;If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。
    Article 56 Where the Law of the People's Republic of China on Soil and Water Conservation and other laws and regulations already provide for punishment for other acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, such provisions shall prevail。
第七章 附 则
    第五十七条  省水土保持工作机构履行省水行政主管部门的水土保持工作职责。
    The water and soil conservation work organs and water and soil conservation supervision and management organs designated by the people's governments of cities, counties (cities, districts) divided into districts shall perform the duties of the water and soil conservation work of the competent departments of water administration。
    第五十八条  本条例自2013年10月1日起施行。1994年1月10日陕西省第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过,2004年8月3日陕西省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议修正,The Measures of Shaanxi Province for Implementing the Law of the People's Republic of China on Soil and Water Conservation, as amended at the 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth People's Congress of Shaanxi Province on July 28, 2007, shall be repealed simultaneously。